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Sunday 30 July 2023

Ruth Grover

We decided to start off our Monthly Magazine with letting you meet who we are. 
I am very proud of the Team we have here... all different types of people and from many different places. 

.......................   Ruth Grover 

 Welcome to Issue 1 of ScamHaters United E-Magazine. 

We talk all things SCAMS of course. We will also introduce ourselves. As a group working together we are very proud of what we do. 


Episode 2 next month: Meet Jo... the Fiery 'Boss' of all things

SHU Instagram. Also Claudia and Ilse, our German ladies and one or two more... AND PINDA... 


AND Keep safe online ! 


I am in the United Kingdom. I became aware of scammers when I innocently added 'Widowed' to my Facebook Account. 

Strange ! I got not one but 3, US Military Generals very interested in me. 
Luckily the one I spoke to was very bad! Made me Google and research and found Romance Fraud! 
It made me angry. I was a target because I was a widow.

After a lot of research I decided to start my own 'project'. I really had such bad feelings
about Scammers. So SCAM- HATERS seemed to say all I felt. I was watching sport... a team UNITED... that is what we needed A TEAM.. AND TO DO THIS TOGETHER... SO 

AS time went on people came to find us and stayed.. 



I just want to introduce myself and maybe tell you a little about how I became part of ScamHaters United.

My name is Sandy Kirk. I live in Kentucky. I have 4 children and 10 grandchildren. 

I retired in 2017. I decided to try some online dating site. I met a couple of nice guys but not really my cup of tea. 

Then I was contacted by a good-looking military man on Facebook, and he proceeded to tell me about himself. He was from Texas, had 2 daughters and his wife was deceased. 

He told me about being in the military and how his workouts went. He also said he was caught on his phone, so his friends tied him up because the whole platoon was punished. 

He also stated at one time that he was in charge of watching the armory and some of the guns were stolen, he had to pay for them. 

Some of what he said just did not add up. I started to do some research and found out about romance scams. 

When I confronted him, he said he was the man in the photos. No video chat but he did do a phone call. Imagine my surprise, since he was from Texas, that his voice did not have a southern drawl, it was an African voice.

I learned how to spot fake accounts and started reporting many to ScamHaters United. They were really patient with me while I was learning what to look for. I became a reporting warrior. After doing this a few months, I was asked to join them. I will admit, at first I was lost on how to talk to victims and I realized I had a lot more to learn. I will also admit, I was scared to death about doing my first live chat with Ruth. I am a shy person and being behind a screen I am fine, but to do a live, I was so nervous I actually got sick. I am still nervous about them, but we have so much to share.

Now I research all the time. Scammers are using more and more ways to scam people and take over their finances. I am willing to help others and I really like what we do. It is important to try to keep the new information posted and talked about. It is also important to keep reminding potential victims of the basics.

I would like to thank Ruth for trusting me with being a part of the ScamHaters United warriors!

Saturday 29 July 2023



My name is Dana Sipprell, and I am proud to be an Iranian-Canadian. 

I moved to Canada when I was 20 and moved to a small city called Vancouver Island in British Columbia a few years ago. I am married and have three adorable little dogs. 

I have degrees in Information Studies and used to work as a personal trainer and fitness instructor. In September 2000, I received a friend request from someone with the same first name as my old Chinese friend whom I had lost contact with. 

Since I had lost touch with many friends after moving to Vancouver Island, I was happy to hear from my old friend. However, the person who sent the request didn't have a profile picture, and I soon discovered he was entirely someone else. Instead of unfriending him, I decided to keep talking to him. 

 He told me he was from Korea but grew up in Texas. He claimed to be a divorced father with a 13-year-old daughter, working as a surgeon doctor with a U.N. Contract in Lebanon. Unfortunately, one thing led to another, and I ended up getting scammed. 

 The situation involved four people, making everything so complicated that I didn't have time to think. I heard the word scam from the big boss; he told me they all are from Nigeria and asked me to go on the Internet and see how they operate. 

 I feel incredibly fortunate to have discovered ScamHaters United and to have had the privilege of meeting Ruth Grover, The founder of ScamHaters Untied. She has been by my side throughout my recovery journey. With the daily support of the entire team, my understanding of the subject has grown exponentially. On the one-year anniversary of falling victim to the scam, I felt ready to join the team.

 It became clear that the emotional impact of being scammed outweighed the financial loss. I have emerged as a stronger individual through intensive weekly counselling sessions, extensive research, and the opportunity to connect with other victims’ families. I have come to realize that this is my new path. I aspire to be the voice for countless individuals who have fallen prey to scams due to a lack of awareness. 

I also advocate for victims of identity theft and families desperately seeking ways to help their loved ones escape these fraudulent schemes. I am more than willing to assist anyone in need. Lastly, I would like to express my deep gratitude to Ruth for entrusting me as part of the ScamHaters United warriors and for her invaluable guidance and support. Dana!

Rebecca D'Antonio

 Rebecca D'Antonio

“I am a smart college educated woman.” How many times did I say those words? How many times have I heard those words? There are many words that make up the person I am. I am creative. I am caring. I am a survivor. 

The list goes on… I first came to ScamHaters United broken. Confused and unsure I didn’t know what happened, why it happened, how it happened. I didn’t know where to go, what to do and I certainly didn’t think or feel I had any strength for the journey ahead. I was a shadow of my former self. I was fragile standing at the precipice - on the edge toward suicide. 

“Matthew” with the full knowledge “he” had driven me a life loving person to this point left me with my dark thoughts and these final parting words “Well you have to do what you have to do.” All I wanted was to get back to the before. I whipped myself with shame and wondered how did I get here? 

My entire world had imploded and I had kept up appearances through it all. How the [INSERT EXPLETIVE HERE] did I get here??? I didn’t yet understand that I had been through a compounded trauma of emotional, psychological and financial rape. I hadn’t yet learned about social engineering and how it molds the heart and the head within a narrative of deceit, or that there is a whole systemic ecosystem of darkness that supports those efforts. 

I simply didn’t know Romance Scams were a thing and that a dating site offers no protection – far from it. ScamHaters United played a pivotal role in my recovery. They helped me to understand all the hows, the whys, the whats… 

They helped me find my way back to me. Not the old me but to embrace the new me. To say the road was long and the work was hard is a vast understatement and there was no stopping for directions. They gave me their ear. They gave me their shoulder through it all. 

They understood the ball of energy that sat in my chest. The need to stop the madness. The need to give what happened to me a purpose. Early on I had been very vocal about my story because I don’t want to see anyone go through what I had to in any way. I wanted to give others the safety and awareness I didn’t have. I was ready to be that wonder woman crusader to bring down these scams. It wasn’t long before I realized it takes a very large, very determined village to move the needle even a little in the right direction. 

It was at this point that I was invited to join the ScamHaters United Team. I became a voice for the voiceless and a face for the victims of Romance Fraud. I became a guide through the storm of recovery so victims can understand they are not alone. I have been where they are. 

I understand intimately the things they are thinking and feeling. I became living proof, the poster child that there is life after being scammed. Dreams resurrected I have rebuilt my life completely. These days I spend a majority of my time guiding victims through recovery and being a voice for those that have not yet found their own. Through my story I educate the public to avoid what I did not.




Keeping it real on the page and what vistors to the page can expect from us.. 

ROUGH THOUGHTS.. what I've put so far feels negative with talk of banning etc.. I'd like to think our visitors have a positive experience when visiting us. How can I say banned with it all being negative 🤔🤔🤔 I was never good on essays 

All are welcome except for scammers.

They will be acknowledged that we've seen them with a thumbs up. 

Any one that have questions will be answered on the page unless we need further information about what they're asking about. Then they will be asked to come to our messages. They can have only facts from us not opinions. 

We understand that our visitors will interact with eachother and would expect them to be respectful with each other. If comments are made that are not facts we will point out the facts to them. Especially when it comes to blaming the real person who's images are stolen and used by criminals. We understand that some just want to leave an emoji or a gif in the comments to express their response to a post. We not not allow anything that can be deemed as being racist. Racism will never be tolerated. This crime has nothing to do with race it's about the criminals that commit the crime.. any unacceptable GIFs comments or emojis will be removed no warning. If the poster continues to post them they will be banned from our page no questions asked.. any one that comes and mentions that they have a loved one in a scam will be asked to come to messages where they'll get the help to help their loved one.. we not allow spammers, scammer on our page. They will get banned and reported and will loose their fake profiles. We do our very best to protect our visitors from these criminals. 

We want our page to a safe scammer spammer free place to help our visitors interact freely without being bothered by these criminals. We'd like any one that has concerns about anyone contacting them on  page to let us know immediately so that we can take appropriate action. our visitors will always be treated with respect and we expect the same in return. We understand that people have different opinions but it shouldn't be that they abuse anyone else because they don't share the same opinion. 

Abuse will never be tolerated and will lead to the offender's being banned. We won't tolerate abuse towards the real people who's images are stolen and used by these criminals. They are the innocent victims too and don't deserve to be abused. Anyone doing this will be banned. 

If our visitors make a visitor post we expect them to be mindful of sharing the stolen images used by criminals. It's best that the images are defaced with stolen images used by criminals written across them. If not then where possible we will remove all unmarked images and ask for the poster to come to messages. We don't do gossip so if any vistor come and says so and so is a scammer and they are talking about someone unfamiliar we will ask for proof. It doesn't help if they are just giving us a name. We need a link to FB or Instagram profiles. . Some proof they are scamming.

Anyone wanting to share links to FB or Instagram profiles will be asked to share them with us via our messages.

Pamela Sue


Hi All!

My name is Pamela Sue and I am one of the many proud Team Members  at ScamHaters United. Here is a little bit about myself and how I found myself involved with a horrendous crime of scamming people out of their money.


I live in Southwest Florida. I have been working for the 20th Judicial Circuit for the past 16 years and have my retirement approaching  soon in a few more years. I have one daughter and two grandsons and I am currently taking care of my 90 year old mother.   There was a time that I used to do the Live Chats with Ruth which was a lot of fun. Since caring for my mother, my 'free time' has been sucked dry! There will come a time that I will get back to my live chats with Ruth once my personal live settles back to what it used to be.


I remember the day that I stumbled across ScamHaters Untied and met Ruth. It was after my scam that occurred in 2017. I decided to give on line dating a try, did my research on choosing which site would be 'best' and found that they all had crappy reviews. So I selected  I noticed how many 'men' contacted me from all over the United States despite me indicating that I am only interested in chatting with those within 35 miles of my home.  I ended up getting sucked in to the basic and typical BS that scammers tell their victims. 

My scam lasted 9 months before I followed the money trail which took me to the east coast of Florida. There, I met the money mule who also had the same contact information to the person I was communicating with.  I found that she had been receiving money from unsuspecting women from all over the United States -- for over a year!  As I looked through the pile of receipts she showed me, I noticed the money was being sent to Nigeria. Even then, I still did not fully understand all that happens with Romance Scams.  I recall at the end of my scam, speaking on the phone with who I was told was 'the boss'. 

I told him I finally found the truth about what was going on, and he laughed at me and told me I was not even 2% smart . He was right and I decided to learn more of what had happened to me.  From there, I did research about Romance Scams and found ScamHaters United as a place to learn and discuss scams. 

I remember the day that I asked Ruth to join her private group of warriors. I wanted to do something to join this fight against these scammers. Ruth told me that joining is a big commitment and she takes this very seriously. I wanted to know more on what this group could do for victims of scams. There was a lot to learn!


I learned how to speak to the victims the families. It crushed me to pieces to see so many victims fall prey to this crime.  I focused my attention on speaking to the families coming to the site and asking for help. It breaks my heart to find so many broken families over the victim choosing to walk away from them only to keep hope in 'the dream' of finding 'Mr. Wonderful'.  I also learned that once the scam ends, the pain is not over. It is unfortunate that there is really no place for victims to seek help in their recovery.  I am hoping that will change some day. I have also recognized that the only way to fight these scammers is simply with education. Educate the world on how dangerous it is to speak to strangers on the internet.  Education is Key in this fight. Over the past 6 years, I have come to realize that in order to stop these scammers, the answer is quite simple.   Just take away their audience! Silence! is their biggest obstacle.  Scammers don't have to change as they have found a very easy way to become rich! Remember this -- Scammers will never 'work for free!'   If you chat with strangers on the internet - you will pay for it!


Friday 28 July 2023



For the past 3 plus years or so, I have been addicted to the advocacy of Online Romance Scams.

I am not a victim of this type of scam, but once I found out about this horrible crime, I needed to help. I have been retired for the past 4 years , so I have the time to spend learning inorder to help educate people. The best way for me to learn about things is to do research and I have done an enormous amount of research. I do not feel right talking about anything I am not totally sure about. I have joined many Yahoo boy groups on Facebook, WhatsApp and Telegram so i have educated myself and then pass that information on to others. I know exactly how scams are executed. I try to put out as much information so I can to help bring awareness of this international crime. I have the honor of being part of Scamhaters United, a dedicated team of women. We all share the same passion and are online everyday, from morning until night. We do this every day. We talk to victims, help them, guide them out of a fake online relationship. Help them understand what they have been going through. Help them understand the necessary steps they will need to take going forward to protect themselves. Victims are devastated, their lives are turned upside down. Destroyed not only financially but emotionally. Many times, we can not get the victims to stop sending money. Family relationships are torn apart, as the scammers persuade the victims to keep the scam private (just like any predator). My goal is to try make everyone aware of the online predators and if they get a friend or follow request they know and say “oh it’s just another scammer” and block.

Claudia Luna



Claudia Luna. 

CENTEMPLATION, SILENCE and a Sparkling Melody.. 
are like drawing a bow:
they are not wasted time but
preparation and focus on the Action


Thank you RUTH for letting me join



Hi, I am Patsy and I am located in the deep South USA.  I am a researcher by profession, and I also have a non-profit.  My non-profit provides sports related activities for individuals with special needs, in my area.

Years ago, I was playing ScrabbleGo on the app.  Most of my opponents would send messages which I largely ignored.  Then, I began to notice that there were many of the same faces, but different names.  My curiosity and research background got me looking into this.  I soon discovered a whole new world I never knew existed.  

From there I started following different groups that addressed scammers.  I soon began reporting fakes to ScamHaters.  I was very impressed with their page and group and the resources they offered.  I thought. “these are my people”.  

Almost 3 years ago, ScamHaters put out a call for additional volunteers and I just knew that was where I needed to be.  I applied and was accepted.  Since that time I have been assigned as one of the volunteers that answers the private messages that come to us from victims and potential victims.  I truly love being able to help people.  



I'm Jocelyn, a Filipina with a strong sense of empathy and a desire to help others, has made my mission to assist my fellow Filipinos and victims of scams and identity theft throughout the country. My journey began when i joined Scamhaters United, a community foundered by Ruth Grover that was dedicated to exposing and combating scams. I quickly became a Filipino Administrator of the community, contributing my insights and experiences to help others who had fallen prey to scams. It was during this time that i caught the attention of Atom Araullo of GMA7 Television Network, a journalist who was creating a documentary about fraud in the Philippines. I was featured in the documentary, titled "Fraud Ibig," which was widely viewed on YouTube. This experience inspired me to create my own page to help people who had been victimized by scams. My goal was to educate and warn people about scammers, with the ultimate objective of expanding my followers base and assisting more victims. My page quickly gained traction, with people sharing their own stories and offering support to others who had been scammed. My page (Jocelyn SHU Philippines) has become a valuable resource for Filipinos across the country, providing them with the tools and knowledge they need to protect themselves from scams and identity theft. My tireless efforts have helped countless people to avoid falling victim to scams, and i will continue to be a voice for those who have been victimized. Through my work, has demonstrated the power of community and the importance of supporting one another in the fight against fraud. I have shown that even small actions can make a big difference in the lives of others, and my dedication to helping those in need serves as an inspiration to us all. Thank you Ruth Grover for this Inspiration that you have given me. God bless us all!❤️



Hi my name is Denise.

 I have been married for 18 years. I have two grown boys(men) and a daughter- in -love. I thought I was being a penpal to a soldier. 

He told me he was at a camp rescuing trafficked women and children. So when he said he couldn't video chat, I believed it. 

No cameras were allowed at camp, because of the trafficking. The man he stole the identity from is a retired navy seal that is doing all this work with trafficked children. 

His name was Craig"Sawman" Sawyer. I did send him money. It was the beginning of Covid in 2019. He asked for my routing number and account info so he could wire the money he owed me. 

I didn't give him online access. He sent over $8700.00 to my bank account. 

They had hacked into Arizona's disability fund. I had to meet with home land security.

 I joined a military anti scam group that was affiliated with ScamHaters United. I was offered a position and have been here for a little over 2 years.

Thursday 27 July 2023



I 'm Niki and I live in Romania.

When I joined in facebook, I received many friend requests from good looking men and accepting some of them, I have found suspicious why doctors ,pilots ,military guys ask for different things.

Trying to find something about those accounts or photos in google, I found SHU in 2018 and i asked for help. Ruth 's group taught me how to recognize a fake account and all the red flags .I have never sent money or something else to strangers on line.

I really hate the scammers and Ruth gave me the opportunity to join in her group reporting fakes and I like to give advice to people who are scammed .

Thank you so much Ruth !




My name is Bettina and I am from Germany 

I am a victim of bitcoin scam I was scammed in 2020 from my

Facebook account met the person in a German single group.

I lost a small amount of money! At some point I was curious

so I search with his picture . I learned my lesson.

After all I find  Scamhaters United 

I learned a lot about bitcoin and romance scam

and decided to help



My name is Iwanna and i am from Greece

I am a victim of scammers i was scammed in 2018 from my facebook account he was an airforce officer.
I lost a very small amount of money i was curius because he always ask money so i search with his picture and i find out from scamhaters.united that i was not talking with the real guy I learn my lesson.

This ladies help me so much and they learn me many things.So after all this years i help them too.I am here to help you if you was scammed.

Wednesday 26 July 2023



My name is Mel, I am from the UK and I volunteer for Scamhaters United.

I found Scamhaters United by accident in early 2019 after someone close to me was being scammed. He was using stolen pictures of an American DJ- but claimed to be in the military.

He had asked her for $500 and she sent it him, but then he asked for more, and asked several times but she refused. In the end he stole all the pictures of her and her kids from her Facebook account and used them to make fake accounts using the name Steven Jordan and also my friends name…all using her stolen pictures. I searched heavily for a few weeks, for fake accounts using her pictures, and many were removed when reported.

This is when I came across Scamhaters United and have been here ever since. I now help to run their Scamhaters United SHU4U group and I’m also a part of their Warners group too. ……That’s just a little about my story.

Tuesday 25 July 2023



I'm Trixi and I'm from Germany.

I had seen a report about Romance Scam on TV and shortly afterwards I had a follower request on Instagram from a person I didn't know.

All alarm bells were ringing and I wanted to know if it was also such a scammer. It took me 4 days to find out who the real person in the picture was.

I then wanted to warn them and searched for the profile and since there were several, I wrote to all of them and of course another scammer immediately came forward! I thought to myself, "This can't be true, how many more are there?" So I decided to do something about it myself and opened my own page and group.

Through a few members of the group I came across Scamhaters United, and at first I only reported fake profiles there. Then I got in touch with Ruth and asked her if I could become a German part of Scamhaters United, as there are many people in Germany who don't know English.

And so Scamhaters United Germany and SHU.Germany on IG was born. I help people who have been victims of identity theft. I am also a warrior at scamhaters united and advise and help people who come to us. Thank you Ruth for letting me be a part of this wonderful team.

Monday 24 July 2023


